During the last one or two weeks ago. We have been working on svgs and making them as the main icon on Sugar.
In the process I have used HTML-Kit to draw my design, Opera(A different type of internet browser) to check how my design is going in terms of looks and of course Sugar to put on my design.
Firstly in HTML-Kit when I was designing my design turned out very complex. I used a whole load of lines and paths to create what i have created here.
I this took me over a week to get every point right. I even had to go to .3 and .8 of a point gee. It was all worth it for a cool looking picture xD. Following the instructions that Mr Kerr gave us, I tried to replace the icon on sugar. I was in shock... it failed... ended up like this...
I was like WTH!? and got frustrated with svgs. -^^-V I was so confused, so I asked my friends to help try to fix it but no one didn't know what was the problem. Then I asked Mr Kerr, even he thought it was strange. So I gave Mr Kerr my svg file so he can take a look at it in his spare time. Before the next Control Tech lesson started, I was asked to see him during lunch regarding the svg. Mr Kerr said that the problem could be that in the fill and stroke colour i spelt the work colour as how Australians spelt it. The correct way of spelling colour in order for the image to work was color... C-O-L-O-R >.>
Anyhow when Control Tech lesson started I replace all the &fill_colour; and &stroke_colour; with &fill_color; and &stroke_color;. Restarted Sugar, Sugar opens up and its loading. One minute later, OMG still the SAME!?! still no icon popped up. Mr Kerr was confused about it as well. He said that he will take another look at my svg and that I should go on with the new work so I don't fall behind.
The weekend past and on Monday Mr Kerr said that he found out what the problem was. He said that Sugar couldn't read the .3s and .8s etc. Thats why it wouldn't show on Sugar. I was happy hahaah and so I redid everything to replace the icon but still it didn't work... I got frustrated. I then asked a friend named Darren to help. He backuped the cache file and restarted the Sugar. After when it finished loading... I saw...
IT WAS THERE!! I was so happy Hahahah. Felt good as well =D. I have FINALLY successfully replace the icon sugar ^^v. Although I went through alot of troubles and little problems.
Final Blog - Goodbye From Air Sok!
15 years ago
great write up, going into the problems
ReplyDeletereally, your design was more complex than most of the others and hence the special problems arose - so, not your fault - actually your work gave me the opportunity to discover a bug in sugar in that it doesn't render some svgs correctly - so I have given you some bonus marks, hope that compensates for the frustration!